Execute The Next Step


Its a mistake if you start thinking about the whole process at the start.

For example, you want to do a course in Mathematics, a master’s one. This will take you 2 years. You see the final exam paper and it’s hard. You don’t understand a thing. How can you pass this exam? All of these doubts starts to come.

And when you go to the last step of anything, it will look hard. All you need to do now is focus on the next step. What’s something you have to do today? Is it enrollment, studying first chaper – then do it.

Next day go and tackle the next steps. One step at a time. And before you know it, you will be at the end of the journey.

And then the final paper will seem like a cake walk. You will wonder why were you worrying in the first place.

So go ahead and execute the next steps now.

Business, Relationship or Traveling

If you want to do business, don’t worry about taxes, complications on hiring and tens of different things now. You can have some plans but don’t let it stop you from taking the first step and the next step now.

Don’t stress yourself on how you will manage a relationship for 10 years. Just manage it for a day and the next. Time will fly and you will have managed a relationship for more than a decade.

Start by traveling to your local area, then the next location, keep trying. If you pressurize yourself that a good travel is only when you go to Paris, then you will never explore.

Start small and then keep adding things.

What Else?

Apply these principles to any area of your life where you are feeling anxiety. Often it’s because you are thinking about too far away or too many things.

Slow down, think about where you are stuck. Go and execute.

And everything else will fall in place.

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