Will AI Take My Job?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing area. The possibilities are increasing on a daily basis. It can write poems, stories and create a movie.

Of course, it needs improvement. But the pace at which it is improving is amazing.

If you compare the capabilities – there are dramatic shifts happening every 6 months. At this pace, it is inevitable that it will do good enough jobs on many things. But the real question is – will AI take your job?

And the answer is simple – Yes and No.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The definition of AI keeps on changing. A few decades earlier the chess engine on your phone was called AI. And now, you accept that as a normal thing. Of course, computers can beat you at chess.

So, if we keep normalizing things, AI would sip into our normal routines and we will simply accept them.

What we are calling AI today might be a normal app on your phone in the next decade with no threats.

Because although computers have long beaten humans in chess, you are more inclined to see human vs human chess match rather than a human vs computer. Because in computer, the outcome is determined – computer wins. So let AI do it’s thing, ultimately its your decision if it needs to be in your routine or not.

Human to Human Experience

Let’s take a simple human example – you want to eat a cake. You can order them at the restaurant. The chef prepares it and then after being served – you eat the cake.

Now, robots can serve you, take your order, cook with a recipe. Suddenly all the humans are removed and you deal with robots. But are those lost jobs? Yes but there are new jobs – to maintain these robots, supervision and maintenance.

Also, depending upon who you are as a customer – you wouldn’t want to be served with a robot.

Some people will be okay with this arrangement, In that case, jobs lost = new jobs created.

And some people will not be okay. They would want to have chat with the chef, see people’s smiling faces – for them the restaurant will keep working like before. Only difference would be that the people might use AI to ease their work. But the human element will remain.

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