
When you think about navigating internet, it’s challenging because there are so many tools. And often making the right choice is hard. Many times, you have to take the experience and find out yourself.

But to do that, you have to have some starting point. Here’s where I come in. I love internet – it’s possibilities and what it can do for you.

I may not use all the tools as of now. But I have dabbled in them, done research and gone to great lengths that most wandering on the internet won’t.

So, below are some of the resources for various things – some might be affiliate. But all of them have been amazing.

Fathom Analytics

When you are starting out, checking your website views is crucial. Google Analytics is the start because it does the job and it’s free. But when you want to take your analytics to a simpler, privacy focused and easy actionable items – then you need Fathom Analytics. Build by Paul Jarvis, who I admire and have followed for over the years. Click below to check out fathom analytics.


You have a book within you. And in this internet age, you can self-publish your book. You no longer have to rely on permission from someone to get your book out there in the world. But there are many platforms like Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Apple among others. It’s a time consuming thing to upload your book to each platform. Instead you can use draft2digital which publishes your book simultaneously to all major platforms at once. I highly recommend it. Click below to publish your book now.

How To Dance

I am a freestyle dancer. And I have learnt dancing over many years mostly by myself. My goal wasn’t to be the best. But I kept dancing because I loved it. And now, since it’s more than 5 years of me dancing. And now, I have grown a lot – here is a course for you to learn how to dance. I have put in the required things you need to start dancing. If you have the urge to dance good enough then click below now.

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