Why Everyone Should Write On The Internet


Writing in itself is a meditation. If you were working in a fast-paced environment, you would be tense. And many times, a walk in the park solves the problem.

But if it doesn’t, writing helps you refocus your energy, vent out, and make things better for yourself.

Writing has many advantages – you get to see your thoughts’ clarity, relax, and your creative neurons fire.

And when I say writing, it means writing. There is no judgement on the quality. It would be best to worry about how you write only when writing professionally. If not, please write; slowly, you are bound to improve.

The Lost Art of Writing

Remember when you were in school or college, where you would be given writing assignments? Those were the days when you used to write. Of course, the writing was mainly for academic purposes, but still, you used to write.

Compare that to your current stage of life where you are working in a day job, and writing is something you don’t do.

You have stopped your learning – you do your job, which drains energy from you, and then you re-do everything.

It’s exhausting – yes. But unlike any other physical thing, writing is a mental thing. It helps you see clearly and relaxes you.

Writing Like A Kid

As a kid, you might have had a personal diary where you wrote all sorts of things. Or maybe you had scrapbooks with prompts like ‘What is your favourite colour?”. And you are obsessed with the colour white. I wrote a full paragraph explaining why the colour white is the best in the world.

And you would share those among your friends – urging them to share theirs. And when things were in sync, you liked your friend even more. But when things were different, your curiosity peaked.

You asked questions, tried to understand, and, amid all your innocence, tried to find the balance between finding common ground between your friends and seeing them how they were.

Continuing Writing

Not as a kid but as an adult who wants to introspect, assert and write down their ideas. You aren’t writing a source of absolute truth but a source of your truth.

And your assertions might be wrong, or your views will evolve, and that’s a good thing. It means you have absorbed more information and sat with them longer to understand deeper things in life.

You don’t have to please anyone or accommodate – write and let your thoughts take shape. Write for mental clarity and peace of mind. Sometimes, you will find that others would like something other than what you are writing, and something you will find fans. Both are okay – you are not here to please everyone or anyone. I’d appreciate it if you could write to yourself, and you will be fine.

Why You Should Write on the Internet

The Internet is an amazing place. First is easy access – you can start writing on any free blogger or WordPress platform. Could you make sure their policies allow you to export your articles?

Second, the chances of you finding your tribe are tenfold when you write on the Internet. This can happen in many ways.

Maybe your friend seeks your mind for a particular topic; maybe many friends do that. It happens because you are an expert in that field. Write an article explaining everything about that, and then share that link for every advice request you get.

Some strangers on the Internet may become your tribe. Maybe no one does. In all cases, it’s fruitful because you are writing for yourself first. But being on the Internet gives you the leverage to reach anyone.

You can always point to a particular writing to expand your thoughts with a friend.

Writing Heals You

When you write down your thoughts, you realise the coherence is missing. If you need help with writing, you need more ideas to connect your thoughts or form an opinion.

And you may be fine with decision-making based on your thoughts. But those thoughts become visibly clear when you write them down.

Above all, if you are in pain, writing your experience will help you resolve that pain. It won’t be easy, but once you are done writing – a sigh will be felt, and you will be in a much better place.

Writing Will Stay Longer Than You Do

Internet will last for more than you. If you contribute to a particular website, then as long as that website remains, your writing will stay.

You can pass the writings as a legacy to the next generation, and they can browse your mind through them. Of course, this shouldn’t be the primary purpose of writing, but it’s a good after-effect of writing.

Your writing will reach more people than you can imagine. They will receive the warmth regardless of whether they convey it to you.

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