How You Do Anything


Will translate to how you do everything.

If a person cheats in a game, then there are other areas where she cheats or will cheat.

Use this to your own benefit. Incorporate the habits you want to develop for big things by doing them in simple things.

For example, if you want to become the person who gets things done asap then do that. Next time when your Mom says to pick up that thrash, resist the temptation to say you will do it later. Get up and do the work. And implement this in other simple areas. You will find that this habit will follow you in bigger areas of your life.

Another way to improve is to become the kind of person who does that.

Identity is a strong emotion. Humans are known by their identity. She is a runner, her food tastes so well or she looks amazing all the time.

Become the kind of person for whom the identity you have is something you want to be known for. Preach it, spread the word and keep doing small things.

Slowly it will become a part of your identity and you will do the work for improvement automatically.

The easiest way to get where you want in life is to spend time with people who want to go there. If you want to run a marathon, join a runners club. If you want to be generous then join a NGO. And if you want to be a good dancer then first join a dance class and then a dance crew.

These are some of the ways you can think about improvement. Ideally you should adopt this whenever you are ready. But often new year, birthdays or any random day works.

Now get on to working what you want from your life. You can and you will. It’s not easy but always simple.

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