The Best Productivity Tool Checklist


The best productivity tool has been developed and is yet to be developed. Both these statements are true. If you look at any productivity tools that have solved a problem and have found the solution to be a blessing, then the best productivity tool has been developed. But if you’re still searching, then the best tool is yet to be developed.

And the thing is, no matter what tool you use, you will always find some new features in a random tool, and you’d want them.

There would not be a single tool which solves all of your problems. So, if you’re a nerd like me, you’ll find that you have many productivity tools, and you’ve been trying them, one after the other. So, what exactly is the perfect tool, or is there any?

A productivity tool is only useful if you can use it. For example, if you have a fantastic productivity tool, it helps you categorise, use beautiful fonts, etc. But if you’re not revisiting the tool and taking action, then it’s of no use, and many tools fall into this category.

Let’s talk about fitness bands. They are an amazing tool, a productivity tool for your health. But many people who are buying fitness bands do the regular activity anyway. For example, if they ran one kilometre every day, they’re still running one kilometre every day after using fitness bands. Hence, there is no change. The fitness bands are showing them all kinds of crazy things. Like how much they sleep, how much they are tired, how to eat, and other things. But if you’re not using any input from the fitness bands, what use is the band?

If you’re using a productivity tool at any time, it should somehow change your process.

If what you do before the tool is the same after the tool, the tool does nothing. For example, if you’re a writer and you find a tool and your writing speed is not increased, or your writing efficiency is not increased, then a tool is not a useful tool for you.

  • A productivity tool has some checklists for it to be a good tool. First and foremost, it should be available for you on all major platforms. For example, if its tool is only available in iOS, you’re restricted to iOS. If you decide to leave iOS and go for another platform in the future, you cannot use a tool that you have been using for a very long time. So that’s why it should be available on most of the platforms.
  • The second is to have a simple export button. So that whenever you decide to go for a new tool, it should be hassle-free.
  • The third is it should be available as a very lightweight tool. If it’s something if you require some developer to install a tool for you, then it’s a very complicated tool. Go for a simple tool because the productivity tool should be as simple as a user. If you find it difficult, then the productivity tool maker did a bad job of making it user-friendly.
  • The most important thing about a particular tool is that it should be integrated with many of the tools you already use, such as email, calendar, and so on. Because the chances are of you revisiting that productivity tool again and again increases. For example, you will always check your email and calendar, and if the productive tool is integrated into them, it will be a very beneficial thing for you, and you will use it more efficiently.
  • The final thing is productivity tools should be available in a reasonable amount. Sure. It depends from person to person how much they want to spend on a tool. But if you’re told it costs you a lot of money for something, you better be making ten times the benefit; else, it’s not a good bargain. So always evaluate what the prices are. And if there is a huge cost associated with a tool, it should provide you with that much leverage.

That’s a basic checklist for finding your best productivity tool. However, no matter what tool you find, there will always be a new tool waiting for you to entice you. The thing is, don’t keep on switching the production tool. Again and again. At least wait for a few years because no matter what the new tool promises you, after a few months, you will feel like yeah, I need something else. So, whatever tool you have, stick with it for a longer time before switching.

You don’t have to use a popular tool. You have to use a tool which suits your needs and not something popular.

The last thing is that you still have to do the work. The productivity tool is there to help you, but eventually, you need to do the work. A tool can help you only go a certain way. You have to do the work, and there is no magic way, and there is no guarantee of any tool to make you get all the business suddenly. For example, as a writer, you can use all the best writing tools ever, but it will not make your script better. That is your job and your job alone.

With that, I will say that a tool is just a tool. Don’t use a tool because some of your heroes use that tool. Use a tool you like because it will work for you.

You may require all the tools and none of the tools. It’s up to you. And what story do you tell yourself?

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